The Enabler not only benefits the patient but also you and your staff. Here we take a brief look how.
Specialist seating is used to care for a wide range of patients, from the elderly and palliative to those who are recovering from serious illness, accident or surgery. Whatever the patient requirement, having the right products can greatly assist you and your team in providing the best care and where possible, the fastest recovery and discharge. Despite seating being a ‘static’ idea, it is one of the most important steps towards rehabilitation and improved quality of life. Often overlooked too are the mental health benefits that mobile seating provides and many times our products have proved this when a patient is given more freedom. This in turn stimulates physical recovery.
Reduce the number of hoist transfers and staff time!
When using a static chair for patient rehabilitation and sit-to-stand training, often the patient has to be transferred firstly into a basic wheelchair and then transferred again into another chair for therapy. This can potentially mean four transfers. With a mobile rehabilitation chair such as the ‘Enabler’, this can be reduced by half, as the patient can sit-to-stand from this chair, be mobilised to wherever they need to go and have the seat height adjusted to suit them whilst using it. Also, these chairs are easy to quickly adjust for patient comfort and if the chair has electric operation, then the patient can adjust their own position (if possible) therefore reducing ‘nurse calls’.
Faster Discharge
Having all you need in one chair is a huge benefit to the therapists and saves them having to look for the correct height chair for their particular patient and allows them to assist more patients with just one product. Freeing up time means that your team can concentrate on what matters – providing care and rehabilitation and therefore a quicker discharge.
Overview of the benefits that the ‘Enabler’ brings to your ward:
REMTEC MEDICAL – ‘Save time, get it right first time’